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  • latest072612

    07/27/2012 | The K7RA Solar Update

    There are new sunspot groups coming over our Sun’s eastern horizon, but this week has been a quiet one, both in terms of sunspot and geomagnetic activity. The average daily sunspot numbers declined by 50 percent -- from 104.7 to 52.1 -- while the average
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  • latest062112

    06/22/2012 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Sunspot numbers seemed to be in a free-fall this week: The average daily sunspot numbers declined more than 29 points to 87, while the average daily solar flux fell 6.2 points to 126.2.
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  • latest020912

    02/10/2012 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Solar activity was down again this week -- this is the third week in a row with sunspot numbers lower than the week prior. On January 20, we reported an average daily sunspot number of 116.9 for January 12-18, 98.7 the next week, followed by 62 the week o
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